2. Ferrite Kodomo Kagakukan (Children’s Science Museum)
location: Hirasawa, Nikaho City – 5 minutes from Nikaho IC (Nihonkai-Tohoku Expressway) by car
Ferrite Kodomo Kagakukan (Children’s Science Museum) is run by Nikaho City with many interactive displays for children to enjoy learning about the world of science.
On the second floor is a memorial hall which introduces the achievements of Kenzo Saito and Teiichi Yamazaki, who pioneered the use of Ferrite and who subsequently founded and developed TDK.
The museum also has a big play area for younger children and attracts families with children of all ages.
After leaving the children’s museum, why not also take in the nearby TDK Museum called “TDK Future History Museum”? It is located 1 kilometer from the Ferrite Museum and was re-opened in October 2016 after renovation.
The museum’s exhibits invite the visitor to imagine and experience life in 20 years time. This museum is more suitable for adults, but together these 2 museums offer families a rewarding time together.
keywords: science museum, experiment, science interaction
features: family entertainment, future of science, notable local people (founder of TDK)
written by S. Ishikawa

名称 フェライト子ども科学館 (ふぇらいとこどもかがくかん)
種別 科学館 実験 科学体験
場所 にかほ市平沢
日本海東北道 仁賀保ICから5分
イメージ 家族で楽しむ、未来科学、郷土の偉人(TDK創立者)
フェライト子ども科学館(ふぇらいとこどもかがくかん The Children’s Ferrite and Science Museum)は、にかほ市立の科学館ですで。郷土の偉人であり、世界で最初にフェライトを工業化し、そしてTDKの創立・発展に尽力した齋藤憲三、山崎貞一の業績を紹介するメモリアルホールがあります。
少し足を延ばせば、平成28年10月にリニューアルオープンした、TDK Museum「TDK歴史みらい館」で20年後の暮らしを体感できます。子供たちと遊んだあとは、大人も楽しめるこちらも覗いてみたい。
